14th January 2019 Minutes


MINUTES of MEETING held on 14th January 2019


PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball, J. O’Leary J.Seaward & R. Attoe

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M.Stone ( County Councillor) and W. Kemp (District Councillor)
  3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
  • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 10th December 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings subject to change of M. Stone to County Councillor from District Councillor. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by J. O’Leary.
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.County Councillor  E-mail received.Parish Clerk Vacancy.  Richard Attoe is only applicant at present. He was present and discussed his application with Councillors. After discussion it was proposed by J. Lucy and seconded by P. Jackson that R. Attoe be appointed as Thurlton Parish Council Clerk. All agreed. Appointment date to be agreedThe bible of Parish and Town Councils is the Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold- Baker. Our edition is the 6th. Current edition is 11th — cost £130 Special offer from SLCC Just over £100. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by S. Hannant that we purchase latest edition. P. Jackson offered to find best price on this purchase. MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETS        6.HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERS


  1. Notice received regarding Road Closure for resurfacing at Gazes Crossways for two nights from 7th February
  2. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development. Further quotes required
  3. Clerk is entitled to a gratuity on his retirement. Around £1000 to be confirmed. He is interested in retaining his lap top facility (say £400/500)  If PC are prepared to provide full gratuity of £1000  then he will donate remainder to either Preschool, Shop and/or Village Hall. R. Attoe suggested that Clerk could retain his existing facilities.
  4.  One communication in this respect is from Norfolk Copiers. Our 3 year lease ended at the end of December 2018. They have a replacement photocopier which they will let us have at current rental for next three years. Clerk to arrange delivery.
  5. Police Monthly report received by E-mail
  6. District Councillor E.mail Received. He has donated £1000 to community shop and in discussion regarding further grants that might be accessible for refurbishment project
  • PLANNINGThe planning application from B. Chuck for a two storey side extension to Iona, Church Road, Thurlton (2018/2847) was discussed. No objection proposed by M. Ball seconded by A. Jones.


  1. The WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area will be progressed when we are aware of responsibility for this area when development is complete. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020.

NPFA                                      Subscription                                        £20.00

  1. Cook Clerks Wages and Half BT £492.87

HMRC                                    Clerks Tax                                           £100.75

  1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages                                  £41.11

Proposed by J. Lucy and seconded by M. Ball that payments be authorised.

A meeting with preshool will be held on 21st January

Donations for Norfolk Citizens Advice and NARS were discussed. Agreed that PC donates £25 to NARS.

  • COMUNICATIONArticles for February Newsletter to include shop, Preschool, Road closure and closure of Playing  Field Assn 10  GENERAL DISCUSSION DATE OF NEXT MEETING February 11th 2019 NOB meeting closed at 8.35pmSigned………………………………………………….Date……………………..   


  1. Nothing raised
  2.             Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed
  3.  Agreed that we will participate in the SNC litter pick this year. Date to be arranged.
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