• 12th November 2018 Minutes


    MINUTES of MEETING held on 12th November 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball, J. O’Leary J.Seaward W. Kemp (District Councillor) & four members of the public

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M.Stone ( District Councillor)
    3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
    • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 8th October 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball.
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.W. Kemp reported on the consultation on National Parks and possible consequences this could have on planning applications if the Broads Authority responsibility were extended to include more of the villages.Clerk responded to her request for further information on Hall Farm corner floodingGood Neighbours. J.O’Leary thanked PC for payment of the Public Liability InsuranceVacancy notice included in November newsletter, notice board and web site. One application received.


      1. Clerk Vacancy
      2. Police Monthly report received.
      3. County Councillor
      4. District Councillor
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAt a previous meeting the PC considered further requests for funding from infrastructure levy being shop and church room. Removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp has investigated on our behalf.  No other information at this time.Complaints regarding state of footpath to edge of Beccles road development reported to developer. He said he will sort. Not yet resolved.


    1. Complaint regarding damage to Road and verges due to heavy traffic on Low Road to be progressed.
    3. We received a cheque from the playing field association for £1695 from their funds following agreement that this organisation be disbanded. There will be a final meeting on 23rd November at which a draw will be held to finalise the 100 club.
    4. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development. Further quotes required
    • PLANNINGClerk had contacted developer regarding naming of road through new Beccles Rd development as to current situation. 


    1. The  WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area will be progressed when we are aware of responsibility for this area when development is complete. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020.
    2. To receive update on enforcement action on expired temporary planning permission for dog kennels on Low Road. Situation confused/delayed by current court case. Member of public raised concerns regarding lack of action. W. Kemp had asked earlier in meeting for evidence of continued dog breeding on this site and elsewhere locally.
    1. CHEQUES

    BHIB Insurance Brokers         Good neighbours’ insurance               £183.91

    Norfolk Copiers                      Quarterly rental DD                            £71.82

    Norfolk Copiers                      Monthly copy charge                          £13.50

    Allotment Assn                       Rent of CC allotment                          £23.00

    Proposed by   S. Hannant  and seconded by  M. Ball  that cheque payments be authorised.

    The pre-school situation and possible donation was discussed at some length. Representatives from VH committee were also involved in this discussion. It was suggested that a meeting should be arranged between Pre-School, Parish Council, VH and any other interested parties to discuss situation and the way forward. S. Hannant offered to chair meeting and C. Cook would take minutes if necessary. Clerk to contact Pre-School.

    The budget for 2019/2020 based on predicted expenditure for 2018/2019 financial year and the suggestion of an increase of £750 on the precept was discussed. This was agreed by a majority vote. Clerk to prepare article for newsletter explaining the reasons for this increase.

    Donation to community composting volunteers towards their annual xmas buffet of £50 was agreed.



    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed


    Articles for December newsletter to include Shop, Pre-school asking for members for 100 club, Precept increase etc

    DATE OF NEXT MEETING December 10th 2018


    NOB meeting closed at



  • 8th October 2018 Minutes



    MINUTES of MEETING held on 8th October 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball, J. O’Leary J.Seaward & one member of public

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M.Stone ( County Councillor) &W. Kemp (District Councillor)
    3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
    • MNUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 10th September 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


      1. Proposed by M. Ball seconded by J. Lucy
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.County CouncillorVillage Hall Problems with having a regular attendance at committee meetings. Article to newsletter requesting volunteers.


      1. Chairman opened meeting for member of public to speak at this juncture. Complaints raised previously regarding puppy farm on Low Road are in hand as W. Kemp has informed PC that enforcement officers will be attending site in the near future. Damage to Low Road surface and edges due to large vehicles regular use to be progressed.
      2. Clerk responded to her request for further information on Hall Farm corner flooding and has also requested that the clearance of drains be a regular action when the Rangers visit. Main problem is that Highways never responds to requests/suggestions /communications.
      3. District Councillor E-mail received with apologies for tonight’s meeting. Enforcement action on Low rd progressing slowly.
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAt last meeting the PC considered further requests for funding from infrastructure levy being shop and church room.meeting at which a draw will be held to finalise the 100 club. Article to November newsletter?Received notification  that we will receive first stage payment of £4900 infrastructure levy for Beccles Road development by end of month. This is 25% of total payment. Final payment of approx. £15000 will be received at completion of development.Suggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles rd need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed. 


    1. To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp offered to investigate on our behalf. I am aware he e-mailed asking for BT contact details. No other information at this time
    2. Agreed at previous meeting to employ mole catcher if required this year. Not yet required?
    3. No decisions on allocation of funds can be made until all infrastructure levies have been received
    4. Relative to this we have received a cheque from the playing field association for £1695 from their funds following agreement that this organisation be disbanded. There will be a final
    5. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSFlooding on Hall Farm corner. Clerk responded to Margaret Stone’s e-mail and have asked Highway Rangers if they would clear drains/culverts on their October visit and make this a regular activity when they visit. No response as usual. The ranger team were clearing the drains/ culverts on Gazes corner two or three weeks ago
    2. To consider any outstanding Highway/Footpath matters
    • PLANNINGTo consider planning application 2018/0039 from Priory Farm Barn on Low Rd which asks for changes to a previous application. Approval proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J. Lucy.


    1. To consider planning application 2018/2153 from 59 Links Way for demolition of garage and conservatory. Erection of front, side and rear single storey extensions. Approval proposed by J.O’Leary seconded by A. Jones.
    2. The  WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area will be progressed when we are aware of responsibility for this area when development is complete. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020.
    1. CHEQUES

    Raveningham Mag                  Newsletter to mag                               £50.00

    1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £21.53

    CPRE                                      Subscription                                        £36.00

    1. Cook Clerks wages and half BT            £472.26

    HMRC                                    Clerks Tax                                           £100.75

    Came & Co                             Parish Council Insurance                  £1401.36

    1. Collins Clearance of Mill Lane £150.00

    Norfolk Copiers                      Monthly copy charge                          £14.74

    1. Barber Grounds Maintenance            £750.00

    Proposed by M.Ball  and seconded by  J. Lucy that cheque payments be authorised.


    • COMMUNICATION In short term we need to communicate with individuals/organizations that we include contact details on our web-site and ensure they are happy with the disclosure of this information.We do not need to appoint a Data protection officer


    1. We also need to agree a policy statement. I will produce one for next meeting.
    2.             Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed
    3. GENERAL DISCUSSIONTo consider articles for November newsletter. To include Horticultural Club advertising for new members , Clerk vacancy, Defibrillator not replaced after use, speed on back roads during diversions and volunteers for village hall

      DATE OF NEXT MEETING November 12th 2018

    4. NOB meeting closed at 8.20pm
    5. Clerk has suggested that for health reasons he will be retiring. Next May suggested. Agreed that we advertise potential vacancy in November newsletter so we can have someone in place ready to take over.


  • 10th September 2018 Meeting Minutes


    MINUTES of MEETING held on 10th September 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball & W. Kemp (District Councillor)

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from J. O’Leary, J. Seaward & M.Stone ( District Councillor)
    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. S. Hannant declared an interest in Mill Lane clearance
    • MNUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 13th August 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


      1. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by A. Jones
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.W.Kemp arrived late but had e-mailed information on agenda items.E-mail received and circulated. Need to respond to her request for further information on Hall Farm corner flooding. Clerk to respond.Monthly e-mail received and circulatedPop up Garage sale this coming weekend for fund raising.


      1. Village Hall
      2. Police
      3. County Councillor
      4. District Councillor
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSFurther requests for funding from infrastructure levy received from shop and church room.Agreed at previous meeting to employ mole catcher if required this year. Not yet required?To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp offered to investigate on our behalf.


    1.  Mill lane is in need of clearance.  Agreed that the PC employ local contractors to do this work (£150 quoted) proposed by M. Ball seconded by A. Jones
    2. Suggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles rd need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed.
    3. Relative to this PC have received a cheque from the playing field association for £1695 from their funds following agreement that this organisation be disbanded. There will be a final meeting at which a draw will be held to finalise the 100 club.
    4. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSComplaint received regarding large lorries using low road to deliver wood and damage this is causing to road and road edges. Clerk to communicate with highways.
    2. Still need to progress long term solution to flooding on Hall Farm corner. Clerk to respond to Margaret Stone’s e-mail.
    • PLANNINGThe naming of road through new Beccles Rd development (Woodhouse Way suggested) Discuss with W. Kemp as to who makes this decision.


    1. WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area discussed. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020. The PC  will progress this request when aware as who is  responsible for this area after development is complete. Clerk to communicate with WI in this respect.
    2. Temporary planning permission for dog kennels has expired. SNC are considering enforcement action.
    1. CHEQUES

    Community Heartbeat            Battery for defibrillator                       £235.00

    Norfolk Copiers                      Monthly copy charge                          £15.13

    Proposed by M.Ball and seconded by J. Lucy that cheque payments be authorised.

    Income from playing field association £1695

    • COMMUNICATION In short term we need to communicate with individuals/organizations that we include contact details on our web-site and ensure they are happy with the disclosure of this information.We do not need to appoint a Data protection officer


    1. We also need to agree a policy statement. I will produce one for next meeting.
    2.  Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed
    3. GENERAL DISCUSSION  NOB meeting closed at 8.15pmSigned………………………………………………….Date……………………..
    4. DATE OF NEXT MEETING October 8th 2018
    5. Problems with lorry use of lane/footpath to side of new development to be communicated to developers. Articles to October newsletter to include dog poo, shop etc.
  • 11th June Meeting Minutes

    MINUTES of MEETING held on 11th June 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, M. Ball, J. Lucy, A. Jones , J. O’Leary, P. Jackson & W. Kemp (District Councillor)

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from J. Seaward and M.Stone ( District Councillor)
    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. Chairman declared a personal interest in the Hampton Ave planning application.
    • MNUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 9th April 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


      1. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by J.O’Leary


      1. W. Kemp (District councillor) commented on potential shared services with Broadland district council. He will send an application for grants from his fund.
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSSuggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles rd need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed. 


    1. To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp (District Councillor) will progress on our behalf.
    2. Items from last year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    2. Still need to progress long term solution to flooding on Hall Farm corner with highways.
    • PLANNINGResident has spoken to S. Hannant. regarding installation of street lights. Clerk has looked through all conditions on planning approval, plans, street views etc on SNC site and there is no mention of street lighting anywhere.  S. Hannant to contact case officerPlanning application 2018/1108 for Rear and side extensions and internal alterations to Hill Crest. Church Rd Thurlton was considered. Proposed by A. Jones seconded by M. Ball that we approve this application.


    1. Planning application 2018/1020 for erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling and single garage to front of property at 1 Hampton Ave, Thurlton was considered Agreed the garage proposal to front of building was out of character with street scene and application should be refused. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball
    2. Beccles Road development has now received full planning approval subject to a number of conditions. Ground works have commenced.
    1. CHEQUES
    1. Cook Stationery, bedding plants & P. C. £95.26
    2. Robertshaw Wardens Wages                                  £19.80
    3. K. Youngman Annual audit £40.00

    Proposed M. Ball  and seconded by J. Lucy  that cheque payments be authorised.

    Annual donation to church Fabric Fund (£200) was agreed.

    A donation to community shop from community composting credits was agreed. Suggested that  it be a specific purchase to be progressed.





    E-mail from H.Longman suggesting wind up of the Playing Field Assn and transfer funds to PC for maintenance of play area  to be progressed.

    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed

    In short term we need to communicate with individuals/organisations that we include contact details on our web-site and ensure they are happy with the disclosure of this information.

    Articles to newsletter to include Shop, Bonfires, Beccles rd development, community composting, dog poo etc


    To discuss items for possible inclusion on a future agenda. Nothing suggested.






    NOB meeting closed at 8.15 pm



  • 9th April 2018 Meeting Minutes

    MINUTES of MEETING held on 9th April 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, M. Ball, J. Lucy,  A. Jones , J. O’Leary, W. Kemp (District Councillor)

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from J. Seaward, P. Jackson & M.Stone (County Councillor)
    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
    • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 12th March 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


      1. Proposed by A.Jones seconded by  J.O’Leary.
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.M. Stone (County Councillor) will be elected as Chairman on NCC this year. Clerk to send congratulations.Village Hall Scaffolding for roofing repairs is being installed.


      1. School John Seaward is monitoring situation on the Parish Councils behalf.
      2. W. Kemp (District Councillor) had nothing specific to report.
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSReplacement boat seat assembly received and fitted Thanks to M.Ball.To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. Await communication as to responsibility.SNC have offered a reduction in Dog Bin emptying charge if we revert to one collection per week. Clerk has taken up the offer of reduction in costs providing if this causes a problem we can revert quickly to two collections.


    1. Litter pick this Wednesday arranged. Equipment should arrive tomorrow.
    2. Suggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles rd need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed.
    3. Items from last year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    2. Problems with flooding on Hall farm corner are ongoing. Recent problem resolved by flushing out culverts. Rain on the weekend at beginning of April did cause flooding but this cleared fairly quickly as soon as rain stopped. Clerk is unhappy with lack of response from Highways. He has asked if there is a long-term solution other flushing out culverts on a regular basis. He also asked if there was a possibility of periodic rangers visits to clear culverts if there is no long-term solution. He also attempted to obtain information regarding purchase cost and legality of placement of flood warning signs. Little or no response received.
    • PLANNINGPlanning application 2018/0519 for 2 storey extensions to rear of 1 Queens Head Close and single storey extension continued to the side of the 2-storey extension. Approved.


    1. Planning application 2018/0502 for erection of single storey two-bedroom dwelling on land to South East of Beccles Road, Thurlton considered. Approved with comments that the responsibility for maintenance of the lane should be resolved.
    1. CHEQUES
    1. Cook Clerks Wage & half BT £479.66

    HMRC                                    Clerks Tax                                           £100.75

    NALC                                     Subscription and web site hosting      £201.97

    Proposed by  J. O’Leary and seconded by A. Jones that cheque payments be authorised.

    Request for a donation from Norfolk age UK. Was considered. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J.Lucy that we donate £30 agreed.

    Applying for exempt status from annual audit was considered. We still have to have the internal audit by an independent auditor and would need to reinstate our own internal audit but would not have to sent audit returns and pay audit fee. Information we would have sent to the auditor would have to be posted to our website. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by A. Jones that we apply for exempt status agreed.



    E-mail from Heather suggesting wind up of the Playing Field Assn and 100 club and transfer funds to PC for maintenance of play area to be progressed.


    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed

    Data  protection bill going through parliament and should come into effect on 28th May. The PC needs to adopt a Data protection policy (model versions available) and appoint a Data Protection Officer (Clerk suggested). In short term we need to communicate with individuals/organisations that we include contact details on our web-site and ensure they are happy with the disclosure of this information. Ideal time to do this would be when we send out invitations to the Parish meeting.    .

    Articles to newsletter to include May Parish Meeting, Shop, Litter pick,  collection of dog poo changes etc.



    Agreed to send Chairman’s response to e-mails regarding disabled access.

    Agreed that response to request for opinion on Street Lighting on Beccles Road development is that Parish Council do not want any form of street lighting on this development.

            DATE OF NEXT MEETING May 14th 2018 (AGM & Parish Meeting)


    NOB meeting closed at 8.15pm



  • 8th May 2017 Meeting AGM & PM






    Present S. Hannant, C. Cook ( Parish Clerk), M. Ball, P. Jackson, J. Seaward,     J.O’Leary W. Kemp and M. Stone

    • Apologies for absence.Election of Chairperson.


      1. S. Hannant proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M.Ball
      2. Received from  J. Lucy
    • To receive the Chairman’s declaration of office.


      1. S. Hannant.signed declaration of acceptance of office as Chairperson
    • To decide when any declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received as provided by law shall be received.


      1. Not applicable this year
    • Minutes of last A.G.M.


      1. Proposed by J.Seaward seconded by M. Ball that the Minutes circulated are a true representation of meeting
    • Election of Officers.  J. O’Leary signed declaration of office as Vice ChairmanPC representative(s) on Village Hall Committee. J. LucyPC representative(s) on Community Composting scheme P.Jackson, J. Lucy & J.O’LearyInternal Auditors M. Ball & J.LucyEditor(s) of Newsletter  Joint.Tree Warden S. HannantDeputy Emergency Co-ordinator C. Hannant


      1. Emergency Co-ordinator B. Longman
      2. Play Area Warden David Robertshaw has taken over from Kate. Thank you flowers to Kate.
      3. Cheque signatories., M. Ball, J. Lucy and J. O’Leary. S. Hannant to be added.
      4. PC representative(s) on Good Neighbour project J. O’Leary
      5. PC representative(s) on Playing Field Assn. P. Jackson. If this continues.
      6. Responsible Financial Officer  C. Cook.
      7. J. O’Leary proposed as Vice Chairman by J. Seaward seconded by M. Ball
    • Cheques.Thurlton Church        Donation                                            £200.00NTTVH                      Village Hall Rent (for year)                £103.50K. Cox                        Wardens Wages                                  £22.50            Proposed by  J. O’Leary seconded by P. Jackson that payments be authorised


      1. D. Robertshaw           Wardens Wages                                  £18.75
      2. C. Cook                      Flowers for Lindsey / plants               £41.99
      3. Norfolk Copiers         Quarterly rental DD                            £71.82
      4. NPFA                         Subscription                                        £20.00
    • 2016/17 Accounts


      1. Proposed By M.Ball seconded by P. Jackson that the accounts circulated with the agenda are accepted as a true representation of 2016/17 accounts.
    • Planning Applications                                            PARISH MEETING AT 8 P.M.Present S. Hannant, C. Cook ( Parish Clerk), M. Ball, P. Jackson, J. Seaward,     J.O’Leary W. Kemp and M. Stone N. Wills and E. Bentney


    1. AGENDA
    2. The updated planning application received from Paul Beck for erection of dwelling at Greenwood on Church Road was considered. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary that this application by approved.
      1. Apologies for absence. Received from J. Lucy and School
    • Parish Council Report.


      1. Report of previous Years activities and plans for the future presented by our Chairnan S. Hannant.
    • Reports from local organisations etcWritten reports were received from Mothers Union, WI, Pre-School and  Bowls Club. These were read out at meeting       E. Bentney gave a summary of community composting activities.C. Cook updated meeting on Horticultural Club, Allotment Assn and Community shop            Nothing put forward.  


    1.             Signed……………………………………………Date………………………
    2.             No other business meeting closed at 8.55pm
    3.        A.O.B.
    4.        J.O’Leary reported on Good Neighbours and Village Hall situation.
    5.        N. Wills reported on Church finances etc.
    6. M. Stone (County Councillor) and W. Kemp (District Councillor) both gave reports to the meeting
  • 12th March 2018 Meeting

    MINUTES of MEETING held on 12th March 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball, J. Lucy,  A. Jones , J. O’Leary, W. Kemp (District Councillor)

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE ) M.Stone (County Councillor)
    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
    • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 12th February 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


      1. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by J. O’Leary
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.W. Kemp (District Councillor) reported that recent fly tipping incident has been resolved  SchoolVillage Hall  J.Lucy presented Village Hall Accounts and suggested that committee  could do with at least one more member. Article to newsletter suggested.


      1. John Seaward is monitoring situation on the Parish Councils behalf. Primary school to become part of Hobart Academy.
      2. M. Stone (County Councillor) e-mail report received and circulated
      3. Police  e-mail received and circulated
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSWorking party in December at which goal posts were moved and top soil applied to areas of wear. Review of situation required to see if further top soil and seeding/turfing required. We  have receive a donation to help with this work from Rav Fair (£200)To receive suggestions on planned maintenance of playing field. Agreed to employ mole catcher again this year as required.Benches to the amenity area at top of Links Way have been installed. Memorial plaques have been fitted. Thanks to P. Hoadley for his help in this respect.Removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. Await communication as to responsibility. Clerk to progress.


    1. To progress litter pick on 11th April. A few more volunteers would be welcome.
    2. Suggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles road need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed.
    3. Replacement boat seat assembly received. Working party arranged for this Wednesday to fit.
    4. Beccles company have removed toddler area fence panels, blasted and powder coated and replaced..
    5. Items from last year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSProblems with flooding on Hall farm corner are ongoing. Recent problem resolved by flushing out culverts. Is there a long-term solution other flushing out culverts on a regular basis?  Clerk awaiting information regarding cost and placement of flood warning signs
    2.  Damage to Beccles Rd/ Church Rd footpath caused by ploughing has been resolved.
    3. To consider any outstanding Highway/Footpath matters
    • PLANNINGAn application from Mr Wayne Snell Priory Farm Barn, Low Road, Thurlton (2018/0040) for replacement of dilapidated cartridge with detached outbuilding incorporating double garage, annex and stables. Refurbish agricultural barn to storage facility. New garden veranda. This application was not on tonight’s agenda as not received until Thursday of last week. However as there are currently no objections from neighbours or other consultees it was agreed that this application could be discussed at this meeting. No objections proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J. Lucy


    1. Application 2018/0454 for new agricultural barn at Manor Farm Low Road was discussed and agreed. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by P. Jackson.
    1. CHEQUES

    CAN                                       Subscription                                        £20.00

    1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £39.38

    Sutcliffe Play                          Boat seat assembly                              £640.84

    NARS                                     Donation                                             £25.00

    1. Cook Petty Cash                                           £30.00

    Norfolk Copiers                      Copy Charge                                       £29.50

    Buckenham                             Blast Cleaning Powder Coating etc    £3900.00

    Proposed by J. O’Leary and seconded by M. Ball that cheque payments be authorised.



    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed

    Articles to newsletter to include community reaction to recent snow problems, shop,  Litter pick, dog poo, village hall etc



    To discuss items for possible inclusion on a future agenda. Nothing raised.



            DATE OF NEXT MEETING APRIL 9th 2018



    NOB meeting closed at 8.10pm



  • 12th February 2018 Minutes

    MINUTES of MEETING held on 12th February 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S.Hannant, P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball,  J. Lucy,   A. Jones , J. O’Leary, M.Stone (County Councillor) and one Councillor from Haddiscoe


    None received

    1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST      None received
    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest.
    • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 8th January 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetingsPLANNING APPLICATION Planning Application C/7/2018/7001 Crossways Farm, Loddon Road, Thurlton. Installation of secondary containment structure and tanks etc. was brought forward on agenda for discussion and input from other councils. Other councils are concerned over continued expansion of site, increased traffic movements and smells. M. Stone (County Councillor) is visiting site in near future and will report back to Parish Councils. She will ask for an information leaflet to be prepared regarding site activities.


      1. This application does not appear to have effect on the concerns raised and it was proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball that we approve application on the basis that NCC planners will act on our behalf to ensure application does not have any detrimental effect on our environment.
      2. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by A. Jones
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.M. Stone (County Councillor) summarised her report which had been received and circulated. NCC have agreed a 5.9% increase in Council Tax.Suggested that PC ask for report from school regarding Academy status etc.


      1. Village Hall roof repairs have been postponed.
      2. E-mail from Police received and circulated
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAwait Beccles company to remove fence panels, blasting and powder coating and replacement. Early in new year. Quote for £3250 +VAT includes the firm doing removal of panels and replacement with anti-theft bolts etc was agreed previouslyBenches to the amenity area at top of Links Way have been installed. Thanks to all.              Memorial plaques ordered and will be fitted.To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. Just the cabinet to be removed. Clerk to progress.


    1. Suggested that benches/notice board on Beccles road need attention/painting Working party to be arranged. Alternatively, a resident has offered to undertake this work. Clerk to progress.
    2. C. Barber has been asked to scarify playing field again this year
    3. Items from last year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area were discussed at previous meetings. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSProblems with flooding on Hall farm corner are ongoing. Recent problem resolved by flushing out culverts. Is there a longer-term solution other than flushing out culverts on a regular basis? Possibility of having own PC flood warning signs discussed. Clerk to investigate costs and legality etcFly Tipping at re-cycling centre has now been collected and information suggesting source has been investigated. Thanks to everyone who helped in this respect
    2. Damage to Beccles Rd/ Church Rd footpath caused by ploughing should have been resolved. Clerk to investigate.
    3. Second phase of tree clearance on Church Footpath completed.
    • PLANNINGPlanning applications 2017/2726 and 2017/2698 considered. Addition of driveway, new vehicular access, 2 Bay timber framed cart lodge, removal of section of boundary wall and erection of a 5-bar gate and posts. Mr Mark Ford the Old White House, Low Rd. Approval proposed by A. Jones seconded by P. Jackson,


    1. Planning application 2018/0038 (retrospective) Internal alterations to dwelling – Mr Wayne Snell Priory Farm Barn, Low Road, Thurlton considered. Approval proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary.
    1. CHEQUES
    1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £20.63

    Norfolk Copiers                      Copy Charge                                       £28.93

    1. Hannant Tree works on footpath £80.00

    Norfolk Copiers                      Lease of photocopier (DD)                 £71.82

    Cheque to J. Lucy for keys for community composting area cancelled as this had been paid through petty cash.

    Proposed by J. O’Leary and seconded by M. Ball that cheque payments and cancellation be authorised.



    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed

    Request received from NARS for donation. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by J. O’Leary that we donate £25 agreed.

    .           Articles to newsletter to include shop, reporting potholes floods etc, Litter pick and dog poo suggested.


    Nothing raised.



            DATE OF NEXT MEETING MARCH  12th 2018



    NOB meeting closed at 8.15pm



  • 8th January 2018 Minutes


    MINUTES of MEETING held on 8th January 2018


    PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant. P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball, J. Lucy,  A. Jones , J. O’Leary, W. Kemp (District Councillor)

    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M. Stone (County Councillor)


    2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. J. Seaward declared an interest in TPO’s at Rosebank
    • MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 11th December 2017 were  agreed as a true representation of meeting


      1. Proposed by P. Jackson seconded by M. Ball
    • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.W. Kemp (District Councillor) commented on Hales roundabout work on which should commence shortly and plastic recycling.  


      1. M. Stone (County Councillor) had sent an e-mail which had been circulated. Potential increase of 5% in council tax.
      2. No report from Police
    • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSWorking party in December at which goal posts were moved and top soil applied to areas of wear. Review of situation required to see if further top soil and seeding/turfing required. We will receive a donation in the new year to help with this work from Rav Fair (£200)Installation of benches on the amenity area at top of Links Way discussed. Working party arranged for Saturday 20th January at 10am. Clerk to get two bags of postcrete.   Memorial plaques to be organised after benches in place  Removal of telephone box cabinet on Beccles Road should occur in the near future.


    1. Suggested that benches/notice board on Beccles Road need attention/painting. Working party to be arranged later in the year.
    2.  Await Beccles company to remove fence panels, blasting and powder coating and replacement. Early in new year. Quote for £3250 +VAT includes the firm doing removal of panels and replacement with anti-theft bolts etc was agreed
    3. Items from last year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
    1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSProblems with flooding on Hall farm corner are ongoing. Clerk has reported to highways, e-mailed M.Stone and also asked if rangers can help.
    2. Possibility of applying for grant from M. Stones  fund suggested. Purchase of flood signs suggested. Clerk to check cost.
    3. Second phase of tree clearance on Church Footpath to be progressed (£80 quoted)


    1. TPO’s on two Oaks at Rosebank have been confirmed.
    1. CHEQUES
    1. Cook Clerks Wages and half BT £477.59

    HMRC                        Clerks Tax                                                       £100.75

    NPFA                          Subscription                                                    £20.00

    Proposed by J. Lucy and seconded by M. Ball that cheque payments be authorised.

    It was agreed at a previous meeting that PC would apply for a precept of £6000 for 2018/19. The precept application form shows the precept as total requirement (£6000) less the SNC grant of £60 (ie £5940). S. Hannant signed precept application form. The figures will show a percentage reduction in the PC content of the Council Tax Bill for 2018/19.



    Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed

    .           Articles to newsletter to include shop. Reporting potholes, floods, precept etc

    Distribution of agenda and  possibly draft newsletter by e-mail was agreed. Clerk to progress.



    No items put forward for inclusion on a future agenda.


            DATE OF NEXT MEETING FEBRUARY  12th 2018



    NOB meeting closed at 7.55pm



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