10th July 2017 Minutes



MINUTES of MEETING held on 10th July 2017


PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant , P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball,  J. Lucy, J. O’Leary, A. Jones and R. Attoe(member of public)

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received.
  3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. S. Hannant declared an interest in the Beccles Rd Development. J. Seaward declared an interest in the Tree Preservation order.
  • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 12th June  2017 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings Planning Application 2017/1438 for the erection of a dwelling and garage at Meadow View, Sandy Lane was brought forward to this point on the agenda as R. Attoe (one of applicants} was in attendance. After discussion it was proposed by M. Ball seconded by A. Jones that the application be approved subject to the conditions regarding lighting that the PC request be considered on all appropriate planning applications.


    1. Proposed by M. Ball  seconded by A. Jones
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING,    LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.E-Mail had been received from M. Stone (County Councillor) and circulated to Councillors.Amalgamation of 548391 and 548015 numbers and upgrade to superfast broadband will when costs are shared  between PC and Clerk  save money for both.. Current date for implementation is 19th July. Savings to be confirmed  


    1.  John Seaward is monitoring situation with regard to School on the Parish Councils behalf.
    2. Recent reports on social media, locally and further afield, of individuals attempting to gain unauthorised access to properties and outbuildings were discussed. Any further occurrences should be reported to Police. Parish Council will include article to next newsletter reminding parishioners of Police advice to keep doors and windows locked.
  • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAgreed that the repair of the surfacing of toddler area be postponed because additional funds may change the preferred solution to the problem. Quote has been requested for preparation and painting of the bow top fencing surrounding the toddler play area.Planned maintenance of playing field.  Recent report of a few molehills. The Playing Field Association is still in existence and is still raising funds through the 100 club. P. Jackson to check current funds  Provision of benches to the amenity area at top of Links Way to be progressed. Following a review of the historical information on Mill Lane access, which was forwarded to Councillors, a solicitor suggested that the pub should have unfettered access to their right of way. If this is restricted then there should be some formal agreement with the pub. Clerk to progress.


  1. Lockable post base was installed to restrict lorry/caravan access to playing field at top of Mill Lane as required. Keys have been obtained for all Village Hall key holders.
  2. To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp said he would provide Clerk with contact details.
  3. In respect of Goslings complaint an article was included in the last newsletter and signs are in progress.         
  4.  Exercise equipment posts have been painted with green hammerite. Metal plate Instructions for gym equipment have been received. Working party arranged to rivet these to equipment next Tuesday (18th) at 7pm
  5. Outstanding items from last years inspection mainly resolved other than problems with pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc.  We now have the infrastructure levy payment from SNC (in excess of £4000) which we can use for these works. Clerk was asked to investigate situation with regard to CIL resulting from Beccles Road development. Detail was e-mailed last week but in summary the PC could receive £21809 within one year of commencement of building work.
  1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSTo progress removal of obstructions to footpath by church. First phase agreed (J. Hannant  £50}. P. Jackson will discuss with neighbour. 2nd phase in the Autumn (£80) to be progressed
  2. Mill Lane Rights of Way/Access were discussed. Clerk had researched some historical information a summary of which has been passed to all Councillors. In view of this information it was agreed that no further action is required at this junction and there would be no advantage in the PC attempting to claim ownership.
  • PLANNINGTree preservation order on two trees at Rosebank, Beccles Rd. was discussed. Agreed that response should be that the T1 tree should be removed because it is much smaller and less robust than its larger and could be a danger to immediate neighbours in the event of storm conditions.


  1. The representation to SNC Supplementary Planning consultation document concerning adoption and maintenance of open spaces and play areas in new developments was discussed. It was agreed that PC response should be to reinforce the suggestion that pre-planning application discussions regarding provision of recreational facilities should include Parish Councils who could advise on current facilities and access to.
  2. Planning application 2017/1438  was discussed earlier in meeting.

BT                                           Telephone/Broadband                        £165.76

  1. Cook Clerks wages etc £411.95

HMRC                                    Clerks tax                                            £100.75

Norfolk Copiers                      Photocopier copy charges                   £31.42

Norfolk Copiers                      Photocopier lease                                £71.82

  1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £20.63

Proposed by   M. Ball  and seconded by J. Lucy  that  cheque payments be authorised.

  • Parish Plan


It was agreed to remove this item from the agenda.



Nothing to report

No August newsletter


Agreed that S. Hannant should be registered as our Tree Warden.

        DATE OF NEXT MEETING   AUGUST 14th 2017


NOB meeting closed at 8.20 pm



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