13th February 2017 Minutes


MINUTES of MEETING held on 13th February 2017

  1. PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant , P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball,  J. Lucy, J. O’Leary, M. Stone (County Councillor) and W. Kemp (District Councillor)
  2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from L. CheneryChairman asked for any declarations of interest. None received
  • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 9h January 2017 were  agreed as a true representation of meeting.


    1. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by P. Jackson
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING,      LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.No further information on the resurrection of the home watch/neighbourhood watch schemes. John Seaward is monitoring school situation on the Parish Councils behalf. The introduction of Academy status is being considered as a logical answer to the management of the school .A problem with a damaged drain to be resolved. S. Hannant to contact contractors.


    1. Broadband Provision information was included in the last newsletter. Clerk to establish if there are additional costs to individual households to receive improved broadband connection speeds.
    2. Village car park resurfacing complete. Insurance requirements to be resolved.
    3. W. Kemp (District Councillor) and M. Stone (County Councillor) reported on respective budgets for 2017/2018 with Children’s services and Social care receiving highest priorities. There are also road works planned to resolve local pot hole problems and the bends at Haddiscoe should have 40 mph signs installed.
    4. Police  Crime report received by e-mail in January. Clerk replied to request information on the new presentation. No information recieved
  • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSQuote received (£140) for resolution of mole problem which includes follow up visits. It was agreed to employ this contractor.The Playing Field Association is still in existence and is still raising funds through the 100 club. After the final phase of the Play Area renovation it was suggested that the PFA should continue to raise funds towards insurance and running costs of playing field. There has been a suggestion that the PFA be amalgamated with the Parish Council or the Village Hall or the Youth Club. It was agreed that we participate in this year’s SNC litter pick. Clerk to suggest date and include in newsletter if agreed.


  1. Provision of benches to the amenity area at top of Links Way to be progressed
  2.  Clerk has asked for advice from the Norfolk Playing field Assn as to a planned maintenance schedule for the playing field. S. Hannant will also look at possibility of renting suitable equipment from his place of work. Sub committee to meet Monday 20th February at 7pm in Queens Head to discuss
  3. Outstanding items from last years inspection  still to be resolved. Problems with pathway edges surfacing on toddler area, bolt caps missing. Clerk to obtain surfacing repair kit for toddler area.   Exercise equipment posts to be painted with green hammerite in Spring.
  1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSClerk still to ask advice from Norfolk Assn of local councils
  2. Lockable post base was installed to restrict lorry/caravan access to playing field at top of Mill Lane as required. Keys have been obtained for all Village Hall key holders. Lockable post is with Clerk and will be placed when considered necessary.
  3.  Public Rights of Way particularly with regard to Mill Lane discussed. John Seaward suggested possibility of Mill Lane being reclassified as an unsurfaced Country Road. He will talk to NCC


  1. No items to be considered

Norfolk Copiers                     Rental for copier                                 £71.82

NTTVH                                   Hire of Hall                                         £34.50

  1. Cox Wardens Wages £14.40

Proposed by M.Ball  and seconded by J. Lucy  that  payments be authorised.

Donation to Norfolk Accident Rescue Service considered. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J. Lucy that we donate £25.



Articles for March Newsletter. To include  Dog fouling, volunteering, firework regulations, Bird Flu regulations and lockable posts on Mill Lane etc



No items raised.

        DATE OF NEXT MEETING   MARCH 13th 2017



NOB meeting closed at 8.10pm



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