9th January 2017 Minutes

  1. PRESENT Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant , P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball, J. Lucy, J. O’Leary, and W. Kemp (District Councillor)
    1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M. Stone (County Councillor)


 Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared

  1. MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 12h December 2016 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by P. Jackson seconded by M. Ball


Police Crime report received by e-mail. Clerk to request further information on the new presentation. No further information on the resurrection of the home watch/neighbourhood watch schemes.

  1. Kemp (District Councillor) had no comments other than on agenda items.
  2. Seaward is monitoring the School situation on the Parish Councils behalf.

Village car park resurfacing complete. Village Hall awaiting information from their insurance company and are suggesting subject to costs it would be logical for the insurance of the Car Park surfacing to be their responsibility. A problem with a damaged drain to be resolved

Broadband Provision recent communications have been forwarded. Clerk has received some further clarification with regard to location of those properties who will not receive improved connection speed until late 2017 early 2018 Suggest article to newsletter and thanks to Margaret Stone for her help in securing this information.


Outstanding items from this years inspection still to be resolved. Problems with pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area  and bolt caps missing. Clerk to obtain surfacing repair kit. Lockable bollard base and posts for exercise equipment signs were installed at a working party in December. Posts to be painted with green hammerite in the spring. Molehills were flattened Significant mole activity since.

Suggestion that a planned maintenance schedule be established for the playing field and equipment to be progressed. Mole Hills and possible employment of contractors to deal with this problem could be part of this schedule. Clerk to get quotes for resolution of Mole problem and arrange a visit from contractors to discuss a planned maintenance schedule for the playing field.

The Playing Field Association is still in existence and is still raising funds through the 100 club. After the final phase of the Play Area renovation it was suggested that the PFA should continue to raise funds towards insurance and running costs of playing field. Requests for new committee members for the PFA have had a nil response. There has been a suggestion that the PFA be amalgamated with the Parish Council or the Village Hall or the Youth Club. These organisations have not been approached in this respect. This to be included for discussion on a future agenda. P. Jackson to discuss with PFA members.


To discuss Public Rights of Way particularly with regard to Mill Lane. J. Seaward has been on a seminar on footpaths and public rights of way. Clerk to contact NALC to see if they can offer any legal advice on the situation.

Lockable post base was installed to restrict lorry/caravan access to playing field at top of Mill Lane as required. Keys have been obtained for all Village Hall key holders. Lockable post is with Clerk and will only be placed when considered necessary.

Article from SNC regarding dog fouling included in the last newsletter. Further complaints received by e-mail. Article to newsletter.


Application 2016/2904 for 5 properties on land adjacent to Holly Cottage Beccles Rd. There has been previous permission on this site and new application has only minor internal changes to the previous application. Agreed that PC approve this application.


BT                               Phone and Broadband                                                           £158.10

  1. Cook Clerk Wages. Keys and adjustment broadband            £393.85

HMRC                        Clerks Tax                                                                               £100.75

Norfolk Copiers          Copy charges                                                                          £12.96

Proposed by M. Ball  and seconded by  J. Lucy that  payments be authorised.

Precept request forms have been completed based on the precept and budget agreement at November meeting.



Chris Blyth who has planted a memorial tree on the amenity area at top of Links  Way has also offered to supply and install a memorial bench in the area following the article in the October newsletter. To be progressed.

Clerk had received complaints regarding fireworks on New Year’s Day particularly in respect distress to animals. The complaints related to the period of time that fireworks were being let off.  Regulations for New Year state a cut off time for fireworks is 1am. Article to newsletter to remind residents of the regulations and ask for their considerations for our 4 legged friends

Their has been much in the national papers about making 2017 a year to encourage volunteers. Article to newsletter to encourage volunteers for local requirements for maintenance, Community composting, litter picks etc

Articles for February Newsletter to include broadband provision, Dog fouling, volunteering, firework regulations, lockable posts on Mill Lane etc.



To discuss items for possible inclusion on a future agenda. Nothing raised.

        DATE OF NEXT MEETING    FEBRUARY 13th 2017



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