14th August 2017 Minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 14th August 2017

PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant , P. Jackson, J. Seaward, M. Ball, J. Lucy, J. O’Leary & A. Jones.

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from W. Kemp (District Councillor)
  2.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. S. Hannant declared an interest in Beccles Rd development
  • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 10th July  2017 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


    1. Proposed by J. Lucy seconded by J. O’Leary
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING,    LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION. J. Seaward is monitoring school situation on the Parish Councils behalf.  Amalgamation of 548391 and 548015 BT phone numbers and improved broadband has been implemented. Article to newsletter re change of PC phone number.  


    1. Village Hall are raising funds for roof repairs and improvements to electrics
    2. Police crime report received by e-mail. Some information could be used in newsletter.
  • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSQuote for preparation and redecorating of the fencing around Toddler area has been recieved. £1600 reducing if job finished quicker than estimated. Suggestion of removal of fencing stripping and powder coating to be progressed.Provision of benches to the amenity area at top of Links Way. An alternative to the original bench was proposed which is easier to secure but is more expensive. Two benches were proposed and it was hoped that we could get some memorial sponsorship for both. We have one sponsor who offered £200 which has been received. C. Cook is prepared to donate a similar amount towards the second bench. The Parish Council agreed to finance the balance of approximately £200. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary. Extended leg arrangement agreed as most secure option. Memorial plaques to be arranged.W. Kemp has provided information relative to removal of telephone box at bottom of Links Way. Consultation regarding adoption of phone boxes goes on to end of this year. As PC does not wish to adopt the Phone box should be removed after the end of the consultation process.


  1. It was agreed that the Parish Council would donate, from the Community composting receipts, £50 retrospectively for last year’s Christmas buffet at the Queens Head and again for this year’s event. This is a joint event with the Allotment Assn who financed the full amount last year.    
  2. In respect of Goslings complaint an article was included in the last newsletter and signs are awaiting fitting. Working party agreed for Wednesday to fit signs.
  3. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area, goal posts etc Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At last meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
  2. To progress removal of obstructions to footpath by church. First phase agreed (£50} 2nd phase in the Autumn (£80)


  1. Nothing to report

Norfolk Copiers                       Photocopier lease                                £71.82

BT                                           Telephone/Broadband Refund           -£59.99

  1. Cook BT Phone and Broadband. P Cash £74.73

Engraving Expert                    Signs for playing field                        £44.00

GS Computers                         Bullgard Security                                £25.00

  1. Bracey Play Area inspection £96.00

Mazars                                     External Audit                                    £240.00

  1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £20.63

Aon Insurance                         Good Neighbous                                 £185.91

Proposed by J. O’Leary and seconded by S. Hannant that cheque payments be authorised.

Results of Annual internal audit. No problems reported from Mazars the Auditor.



The PC compliance with the new Pensions Regulator requirements have been agreed. No further action required.

Articles for September Newsletter to include change of phone number, article re security of properties and outbuildings, articles re VH need for a Chairperson and their need to raise funds for roof and electrical upgrades. Audit results, lighting bonfires without consideration of neighbours, dog poo on Church road etc



To discuss items for possible inclusion on a future agenda.

The situation with regard to Defibrillator was raised regarding ambulance service not giving a 999-caller information on availability. Clerk to progress.


        DATE OF NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 11th 2017 Apologies J. O’Leary

NOB meeting closed at 8pm



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