11th January 2016 Minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 11th January  2016


PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk),  S. Hannant , P. Jackson, M. Ball,  L. Chenery,  J. Seaward, J. O’Leary & W. Kemp (District Councillor)


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M. Stone (County Councillor)


 Chairman asked for any declarations of interest.

  1. Chenery declared an interest in local plan.


  1. MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 14th December 2015 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by M. Ball seconded by J. O’Leary



No report from Police

  1. Kemp (District Councillor) reported on the reduction of support Government funding for Council tax
  2. Stone (County Councillor) had e-mailed a report which had been circulated to all Councillors.
  3. O’Leary reported that outside lights to illuminate car park and steps have been reinstalled and commented on current situation regarding funding for village car park. Clerk to check that WI have been thanked for their donation.

Mole hills are still a serious problem at present.  Thanks to Jim Lucy for removing a quantity of molehills and placement to the areas in front of goal posts.

Other items outstanding from this year’s inspection include protrusion of bolts on benches and edging of the toddler area.

Allocation of Metal fencing in the corner of the playing field needs to be resolved. As we loaned some fencing from Bowls Club Clerk contacted Bowls Club regarding their requirements. Await response as to number of panels they require. Also suggested that some panels may be required to reinstate fencing to pub car park.

Signs have been installed to inform that Mill Lane is unsuitable for Pedestrians and suggesting alternative access. Thanks to Simon Hannant for installing.

The proposals to increase capacity of community composting area have been agreed  Await information as to when materials and funding is required.



We have received a complaint regarding safety during drop off and pick up at the school gates. The suggestion of 20mph limits to be progressed. It was agreed that we communicate with School and School Governors regarding their thoughts on this suggestion and asking if they have any other thoughts on safety issues at these times.

We also received complaint re parking on Church Road at junction of Beccles Rd. Agreed that  we repeat our previous request for double yellow lines at this junction.

Complaint also received following serious accident on Beccles Road asking for 30mph restrictions to be extended to the junction with Hales/Haddiscoe road.

It was agreed that PC would support all three suggestions subject to response from School

We had a request for the placement of a grit bin on the access road to the new houses to rear of development to rear of Queens Head. This is also access to Queens Head car park. Person who requested bin has said he will spread grit as necessary.   At last meeting PC agreed to donate £100 towards bin if residents and pub could raise a further £100. I have spoken to the resident who asked for a bin and she will progress


Heather’s complaint to the ombudsman has been sent. This relates to SNC responses to our complaints regarding their reporting of the Parish Councils responses to the Local Plan Inspector. Awaiting response

To consider planning revised application for 27 properties on Beccles Road (2014/2222)

A response was sent after last meeting again objecting to the development but also objecting to the proposed play area on the central amenity area if it were to get planning permission

The revised retrospective application for dog kennels at Home Farm was discussed. The revisions are statements regarding mitigating noise and evacuation plan for flood or fire. The PC agreed to withdraw their support for this application because their have been complaints from neighbours with regard to noise levels. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball.




BT                               Phone and Broadband                                             £150.98

  1. Cook Clerks Wages etc        £456.18

HMRC                         Clerks Tax                                                              £100.75

Age Concern                Donation                                                                   £25.00

NTTVH                       Donations for Village Car Park                  £1021.00

  1. Cox Wardens Wages          £22.33

Proposed by  P. Jackson and seconded by  M. Ball  that  payments be authorised.

The donations for village car park includes last years infrastructure levy (£400) This has to be repaid to SNC if the infrastructure project (ie if car park does not occur)

There was a change to the precept request. The SNC grant was reduced due to Government funding. This means that to keep precept at £6000 the council tax bills will show a small increase in the PC content. (approx £1 per year). I have resubmitted forms to confirm a precept requirement of £6000. Explanation to be included in next newsletter.

The annual donation to church of £200 agreed but it was suggested that with continued reduction in Government funding PC may have to consider all donations in future years. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary .

Parish Council photocopying facilities were discussed in view of the situation with the Clerks photocopying equipment. It was agreed that the PC rent a photocopier with a service agreement from Norfolk Copiers. Any copies then done for other organisations or individuals would then be charged at a commercial rate.



A questionnaire was included in the November Newsletter. There has been a small number of questionnaires returned  Suggested at  last meeting that we include article to next newsletter to encourage some more responses.



Raveninghan Group Magazine for February has been cancelled so next newsletter is planned for March



  1. Longman’s e-mail regarding village shop situation was read out.

Some discussion took place regarding alternative surfacing for car park and if this affects current planning permission. S. Hannant / J. O’Leary to progress




NOB meeting closed at 8.23pm


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