12th November 2018 Minutes


MINUTES of MEETING held on 12th November 2018


PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball, J. O’Leary J.Seaward W. Kemp (District Councillor) & four members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M.Stone ( District Councillor)
  3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
  • MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 8th October 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings. Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball.
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.W. Kemp reported on the consultation on National Parks and possible consequences this could have on planning applications if the Broads Authority responsibility were extended to include more of the villages.Clerk responded to her request for further information on Hall Farm corner floodingGood Neighbours. J.O’Leary thanked PC for payment of the Public Liability InsuranceVacancy notice included in November newsletter, notice board and web site. One application received.


    1. Clerk Vacancy
    2. Police Monthly report received.
    3. County Councillor
    4. District Councillor
  • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAt a previous meeting the PC considered further requests for funding from infrastructure levy being shop and church room. Removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp has investigated on our behalf.  No other information at this time.Complaints regarding state of footpath to edge of Beccles road development reported to developer. He said he will sort. Not yet resolved.


  1. Complaint regarding damage to Road and verges due to heavy traffic on Low Road to be progressed.
  3. We received a cheque from the playing field association for £1695 from their funds following agreement that this organisation be disbanded. There will be a final meeting on 23rd November at which a draw will be held to finalise the 100 club.
  4. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development. Further quotes required
  • PLANNINGClerk had contacted developer regarding naming of road through new Beccles Rd development as to current situation. 


  1. The  WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area will be progressed when we are aware of responsibility for this area when development is complete. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020.
  2. To receive update on enforcement action on expired temporary planning permission for dog kennels on Low Road. Situation confused/delayed by current court case. Member of public raised concerns regarding lack of action. W. Kemp had asked earlier in meeting for evidence of continued dog breeding on this site and elsewhere locally.

BHIB Insurance Brokers         Good neighbours’ insurance               £183.91

Norfolk Copiers                      Quarterly rental DD                            £71.82

Norfolk Copiers                      Monthly copy charge                          £13.50

Allotment Assn                       Rent of CC allotment                          £23.00

Proposed by   S. Hannant  and seconded by  M. Ball  that cheque payments be authorised.

The pre-school situation and possible donation was discussed at some length. Representatives from VH committee were also involved in this discussion. It was suggested that a meeting should be arranged between Pre-School, Parish Council, VH and any other interested parties to discuss situation and the way forward. S. Hannant offered to chair meeting and C. Cook would take minutes if necessary. Clerk to contact Pre-School.

The budget for 2019/2020 based on predicted expenditure for 2018/2019 financial year and the suggestion of an increase of £750 on the precept was discussed. This was agreed by a majority vote. Clerk to prepare article for newsletter explaining the reasons for this increase.

Donation to community composting volunteers towards their annual xmas buffet of £50 was agreed.



Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed


Articles for December newsletter to include Shop, Pre-school asking for members for 100 club, Precept increase etc

DATE OF NEXT MEETING December 10th 2018


NOB meeting closed at



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