8th October 2018 Minutes



MINUTES of MEETING held on 8th October 2018


PRESENT C.Cook(Clerk), S. Hannant, J. Lucy, A. Jones , P. Jackson, M. Ball, J. O’Leary J.Seaward & one member of public

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M.Stone ( County Councillor) &W. Kemp (District Councillor)
  3.  Chairman asked for any declarations of interest. None declared
  • MNUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETINGS held on 10th September 2018 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings


    1. Proposed by M. Ball seconded by J. Lucy
  • COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS, COMMUNITY POLICING, LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, CLUBS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES -– REPORTS / INFORMATION.County CouncillorVillage Hall Problems with having a regular attendance at committee meetings. Article to newsletter requesting volunteers.


    1. Chairman opened meeting for member of public to speak at this juncture. Complaints raised previously regarding puppy farm on Low Road are in hand as W. Kemp has informed PC that enforcement officers will be attending site in the near future. Damage to Low Road surface and edges due to large vehicles regular use to be progressed.
    2. Clerk responded to her request for further information on Hall Farm corner flooding and has also requested that the clearance of drains be a regular action when the Rangers visit. Main problem is that Highways never responds to requests/suggestions /communications.
    3. District Councillor E-mail received with apologies for tonight’s meeting. Enforcement action on Low rd progressing slowly.
  • MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF P.C. ASSETSAt last meeting the PC considered further requests for funding from infrastructure levy being shop and church room.meeting at which a draw will be held to finalise the 100 club. Article to November newsletter?Received notification  that we will receive first stage payment of £4900 infrastructure levy for Beccles Road development by end of month. This is 25% of total payment. Final payment of approx. £15000 will be received at completion of development.Suggestion that benches/notice board on Beccles rd need attention/painting. Offer by resident to paint benches to be progressed. 


  1. To progress removal of telephone box on Beccles rd. W. Kemp offered to investigate on our behalf. I am aware he e-mailed asking for BT contact details. No other information at this time
  2. Agreed at previous meeting to employ mole catcher if required this year. Not yet required?
  3. No decisions on allocation of funds can be made until all infrastructure levies have been received
  4. Relative to this we have received a cheque from the playing field association for £1695 from their funds following agreement that this organisation be disbanded. There will be a final
  5. Items from this year’s play area inspection include pathway edges and surfacing on toddler area. Quotes received for the resurfacing /repair of the toddler area etc. At a previous meeting, it was agreed to postpone any decision until we receive further infrastructure levy payments from the Beccles Rd development.
  1. HIGHWAY/TRAFFIC CALMING/FOOTPATH MATTERSFlooding on Hall Farm corner. Clerk responded to Margaret Stone’s e-mail and have asked Highway Rangers if they would clear drains/culverts on their October visit and make this a regular activity when they visit. No response as usual. The ranger team were clearing the drains/ culverts on Gazes corner two or three weeks ago
  2. To consider any outstanding Highway/Footpath matters
  • PLANNINGTo consider planning application 2018/0039 from Priory Farm Barn on Low Rd which asks for changes to a previous application. Approval proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J. Lucy.


  1. To consider planning application 2018/2153 from 59 Links Way for demolition of garage and conservatory. Erection of front, side and rear single storey extensions. Approval proposed by J.O’Leary seconded by A. Jones.
  2. The  WI request for placement of memorial bench and planting of a tree on the Beccles Rd development amenity area will be progressed when we are aware of responsibility for this area when development is complete. WI celebrate their century anniversary in 2020.

Raveningham Mag                  Newsletter to mag                               £50.00

  1. Robertshaw Wardens Wages £21.53

CPRE                                      Subscription                                        £36.00

  1. Cook Clerks wages and half BT            £472.26

HMRC                                    Clerks Tax                                           £100.75

Came & Co                             Parish Council Insurance                  £1401.36

  1. Collins Clearance of Mill Lane £150.00

Norfolk Copiers                      Monthly copy charge                          £14.74

  1. Barber Grounds Maintenance            £750.00

Proposed by M.Ball  and seconded by  J. Lucy that cheque payments be authorised.


  • COMMUNICATION In short term we need to communicate with individuals/organizations that we include contact details on our web-site and ensure they are happy with the disclosure of this information.We do not need to appoint a Data protection officer


  1. We also need to agree a policy statement. I will produce one for next meeting.
  2.             Information on requirements of new Data protection acts (May 2018) to be progressed
  3. GENERAL DISCUSSIONTo consider articles for November newsletter. To include Horticultural Club advertising for new members , Clerk vacancy, Defibrillator not replaced after use, speed on back roads during diversions and volunteers for village hall

    DATE OF NEXT MEETING November 12th 2018

  4. NOB meeting closed at 8.20pm
  5. Clerk has suggested that for health reasons he will be retiring. Next May suggested. Agreed that we advertise potential vacancy in November newsletter so we can have someone in place ready to take over.


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