13th April 2015 Minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 13th April  2015


PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk), H. Longman, S. Hannant , P. Jackson,  M. Ball,  J. Berry,   L. Chenery, J. O’Leary   and  W. Kemp (District Councillor)

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M. Somerville (County Councillor)


 Chairperson asked for any declarations of interestL. Chenery declared an interest in Local Plan

  1. MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 9th March 2015 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by J. Berry seconded by M. Ball


Police –  Four crimes on recent crime report for Thurlton

  1. Kemp’s (District Councillor) information is covered on Agenda items

Planning application has been approved for car park resurfacing. Grant funding of £10,000 has been applied for from Awards for All, leaving £13,000 to be raised. Planning Approved with conditions, (3 years and in accordance with submitted plans.) Article to May newsletter to launch fundraising appeal for Village Car Park. Suggestion that the Council share of the Infrastructure levy be used for this project agreed.

Parish Council Elections; candidates elected unopposed  Martin Ball, Lindsey Chennery, Simon Hannant, Paul Jackson, Jim Lucy, John O’Leary. (Article in newsletter; This leaves a vacancy for another councillor to be co-opted. If you are interested, please contact Chris Cook.)

Chairperson recorded a vote of thanks to Jack Berry for his service to the Council for a number of years.

Current Chairperson (retiring) outlined what will happen at the AGM /Parish Meeting. She will chair the meeting until the new Chairperson is elected, at which point she will leave the AGM and then give the Chairperson’s Report at the start of the Parish Meeting before handing the meeting over to the new Chairperson.


Outdoor Gym and access paths will cost approximately £17,000. Grant funding of £15,000 from WREN has been applied for. Once the new Chair has been elected, their name should be forwarded to WREN to be a signatory to any agreement. . (Chris is the second signatory). Heather will remain as main contact for this grant application.

Chairperson has met with two other contractors for quotations for the outdoor gym and paths at Wren’s request. One of them is going to give prices for repairs etc. to existing installations and the other suggested that we resolve the gaps at the edge of the roller skating path by simply filling them with soil. She suggested we wait to see what prices come forward for repairs before undertaking them ourselves. However, there are a number of things that need doing on the field so suggest a working party be arranged for Saturday 25th April and that volunteers are sought by personal request/ advertising.

Contractors for the pub housing are willing to re install chicane at Links Way entrance and will let us have the metal fencing when it is replaced by the new boundary fencing for the housing


Beccles Road has been re-surfaced . Problems re puddling have been reported to highways. They have forwarded our complaint to their contractor. I have repeated our request for action Await response/action. Report again

To consider the Parish Partnership Scheme for local highway improvements

No further response from other Parish Councils regarding speed awareness equipment. Main problem appears to be available funding. Perhaps PC should look at possibility of renting equipment or asking police to provide periodically?

Date for this years litter pick Wed April 15th which has been confirmed with SNC.  We have around 18 volunteers at present..


The Parish Council should consider progressing a Neighbourhood Plan. Although this would be too late if the estate does go ahead, it would give some control to the Parish Council over any future plans.

There were no objections to a planning application for a porch extension at Manor Farm, Low Rd


BT                               Phone and Broadband                                      £133.84

NALC                         Subscription                                                     £155.36

NTTVH                       Hire of Hall                                                           £9.50

SNC                            Dog Bin Empty                                     £220.68

Heartbeat Trust            New Pads                                                          £28.00

  1. Cook Clerks Wages etc £448.64

HMRC                         Clerks Tax                                                       £100.75

  1. Cox Play area warden wages               £23.84

Proposed by M. Ball seconded by P. Jackson that cheque payments be authorised.



It was agreed that an update of the Parish Plan would be progressed by the new Council.



Information received from SNC re Infrastructure Levy. End of April we will receive around £390  Must be used for infrastructure type project.. See Item 4

Articles for next newsletter to include Parish Council vacancy, Dog poo, kickstart, Village car park, playing field association, etc



  1. Chenery recorded a vote of thanks to our retiring Chairperson which was supported by all present

Clerk to check the need for weekly play area inspections.

  1. Ball gave his apologies for next meeting.
  2. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 11th MAY 2015 ( AGM and Parish meeting)        

NOB meeting closed at 8.25pm

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