9th February 2015 Minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 9th February  2015


PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk), H. Longman, S. Hannant , P. Jackson,   J. Berry,   L. Chenery, J. O’Leary   and  W. Kemp (District Councillor)

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from M. Ball and M. Somerville (County Councillor)


Chairperson asked for any declarations of interest. L. Chenery declared an interest in local plan

  1. MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 12th January 2015 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary


Police – Recent crime statistics listed no reported crimes in Thurlton

  1. Kemp (District Councillor) said that his comments are associated with agenda items.

Planning application has been approved for car park resurfacing. Grant funding of £10,000 is being applied for from Awards for All, leaving £13,000 to be raised. Planning Approved with conditions, (3 years and in accordance with submitted plans.)

Further work was done on Saturday to prepare wildlife area


Outdoor Gym and access paths will cost approximately £17,000. Grant funding of £15,000 from WREN has been applied for.

Contractors for the pub housing are willing to re install chicane at Links Way entrance and will let us have the metal fencing when it is replaced by the new boundary fencing for the housing

Purchase of further wet pour repair kit to repair edges to the toddler area has been suggested and needs to be progressed. Wet pour kits are £75 plus VAT for 40mm deep patch *1m2. Suggestion from Bruce to be progressed.  Agreed to leave this till later in the year.


Beccles Road has been re-surfaced. Problems re puddling have been reported to highways. They have forwarded our complaint to their contractor. Await response/action. Some activity recently but does not appear to have any effect on puddling. Clerk to send reminder regarding this problem.

To consider the Parish Partnership Scheme for local highway improvements

Clerk was asked to get prices for SAM2 (Speed Awareness Message) which flash up vehicle speeds. Cost is usually between £2600 and £4000 and under the Parish Partnerships scheme NCC would fund up to 50% . Clerk has e-mailed other local councils regarding their support in a joint sharing venture in this respect. Responses so far are positive but Councils have problems as to where funding will be available. Norton have replied and said they do not have any funding to support project and are not sure whether we have a speeding problem. Clerk to e-mail parishes who have not responded and widen to other parish councils.

The  Keep Britain tidy ‘We’re watching you’ dog fouling campaign was discussed. In view of costs it was agreed that we investigate producing similar signs ourselves.

The services offered by Scooper Dooper company were discussed. Agreed that PC will not use these services at present.

Metal work and concrete blocks on bank by College Road were discussed. Clerk to communicate with Highways and Saffron Housing.



The participation and proposed date for SNC litter pick (Wed April 15th ) agreed which Clerk will confirm with SNC. Clerk has advertised for volunteers. Nil response as yet.  Article to newsletter.


The current situation on  planning application 2014/2222 for a development of 27 properties on Beccles Road site adjacent to College Road and local plan hearings were discussed.

  1. Longman has spoken to John Fuller and he suggests we wait until the Inspector’s preliminary report is published at which point representations can be made direct to him. Suggestion we write an open letter to SNDC (head of planning and leader of the Council), CPRE, MP and to the press was agreed

Suggestion that we withdraw our support for any new housing on frontage of Beccles Road site and put forward the case that we can find alternatives that would provide for 19 new houses in the Local Plan period. (5 behind the pub, 7 on site to rear of Norman Close, 2 on College Road and the 5 properties on Beccles Road adjacent to Holly Cottage permission granted in 2011) was agreed. Proposed by P. Jackson seconded by J. Berry.

The planning application for replacement of live stock building at home farm on Low Road (Ref No 2015/0007) was discussed and approved. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary

The planning application to rear of The Lawns, Beccles Rd  for a single storey rear extension to bungalow  ( Ref No 2015/0131) was discussed and approved. Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by J. O’Leary.

  1. Cook Photocopies Newsletter £22.80

Thurlton Q. H.              Electric for Defibrillator                         £20.00

NTTVH                       Hire of Hall                                                          £9.50

Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by J. Berry  that cheque payments be authorised.

The request from E. Bentney for donation to Pre-School from community composting credits was discussed. Agreed that PC donate £100 towards projects suggested.

Request from Norton FC for support for new changing facilities Agreed that PC send a letter of support for use in their grant applications.



To review Parish Plan following open meeting on 9th July.  P. Jackson to progress

It has been suggested that from information received we plan a short questionnaire and include in a future newsletter and use results to update Parish Plan.

Questions could include Highway safety and speed limits, provision for young people, (e mail from Youth Advisory Board re provision for sports activities for young people).

future development in the village and perhaps a statistical section, (age ranges, employment, etc.) and any further facilities that people would like.



Letter of thanks to be sent to Raveningham Coutry Fair for their donations

Articles for next newsletter to include Parish Council vacancies and May Election, Litter pick etc

Article regarding Thurlton Primary School capacity was omitted from last newsletter at the request of the Governors. They will be putting their own article in the Raveningham magazine.



Two Councillors will not be standing in the elections in May



NOB meeting closed at



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