8th December 2014 Minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 8th December  2014


PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk), H. Longman, S. Hannant , P. Jackson,  M. Ball,  J. Berry,   L. Chenery,  and  W. Kemp (District Councillor) and 7 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from J. O’Leary & M. Somerville (County Councillor)


 Chairperson asked for any declarations of interest. L. Chenery declared an interest in development to rear of Norman Close

  1. MINUTES OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 10th November  2014 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by J. Berry seconded by M. Ball

  2. Kemp (District Councillor) said his comments are relative to agenda items.

Village hall.Grant applications to be progressed for car park. Grant funding of £10,000 is being applied for from Awards for All, leaving £13,000 to be raised. Planning Approved with conditions, (3 years and in accordance with submitted plans.).

Rails and notice board have been installed. Thanks to Heather Longman, William Kemp and Playing field association for funding this project.


Request from Jenny Howell of Mill House to close Mill Lane for one day for dead trees to be removed agreed. Need to avoid Wednesday. Toby Hannant to be asked to deal with overgrowth the other side of Mill Lane during closure. Clerk to liaise with Jenny Howell.

Outdoor Gym and access paths will cost approximately £17,000. Grant funding from NPFA has been applied for but no response. Application to WREN has been sent.

Some questions from WREN have been answered and the application will hopefully go to the panel and then to the Directors in April. (Planned start date amended).

Purchase of further wet pour repair kit to repair edges to the toddler area has been suggested and needs to be progressed. Wet pour kits are £75 plus VAT for 40mm deep patch *1m2.

Bruce Longman has suggested a cheaper and more permanent solution as per sketch but this would be labour intensive and would rely on willing helpers. We need establish costs to implement this suggestion

It was agreed to ask John Reader, (outdoor gym and paths), if he has any other suggestions.


Beccles Road has been re-surfaced . Problems re puddling have been reported to highways. They have forwarded our complaint to their contractor. Await response/action

We received an e-mail from M. Johnson regarding the flooding problems on Crossways Corner. Clerk has e-mailed Highways asking for information on their intensions in this respect. No response as yet.

Clerk e-mailed Richard Bacon, following his communication re giving town and parish councils more control over setting speed limits, forwarding Heathers comments re speed limits at the primary school and the B1136 at Crossways.

Clerk was asked to get prices for SAM2 (Speed Awareness Message) which flash up vehicle speeds. Cost is usually between £2600 and £4000 and under the Parish Partnerships scheme NCC would fund up to 50% . Clerk has e-mailed other local councils regarding their support in a joint sharing venture in this respect. W. Kemp (District Councillor) reported that other local parish councils have had this item on their agendas. Clerk to contact the other local councils in this respect.


The planning application 2014/2222 for a development of 27 properties on Beccles Road site adjacent to College Road was discussed. Their were 7 members of the public present all of whom were opposed to this application. The application was discussed; Heather Longman outlined her personal response and reported on her attendance at the Local Plan hearing. Comments from members of the public and W. Kemp (District Councillor) were discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council response would be against the application. H. Longman to prepare response.

The Parish Council had received a letter from the School objecting to the comment in the newsletter that they are at full capacity. The Parish Council has apologised to the school and asked for information on their current situation regarding capacity.

To  planning application C/7/2014/7028 from Crossways Farm was discussed. Retention of topsoil bund, walls, hardstanding and vertical storage tank, repositioning of vertical storage tanks, variations to secondary containment structure and lagoon, and a replacement drainage ditch. This was agreed but clerk was asked to enquire whether any of proposals will alleviate flooding at Crossways Corner.


SLCC                          Subscription                                                     £103.00

NTTVH                       Hire of Hall                                                           £9.50

Broadland Products      Railing and sign                                     £876.00

  1. Cook Newsletter, Petty Cash, Plants   £92.40

Proposed by S. Hannant  seconded by J. Berry that cheque payments be authorised.

The  request from E. Bentney for donation to Pre-School from community composting credits was considered. Agreed in principle but would like some idea of what donation would be used for.



To review Parish Plan following open meeting on 9th July.

It has been suggested that from information received we plan a short questionnaire and include in a future newsletter and use results to update Parish Plan. Questions could include Highway safety and speed limits, provision for young people, (e mail from Youth Advisory Board re provision for sports activities for young people). future development in the village and perhaps a statistical section, (age ranges, employment, etc.) and any further facilities that people would like. H. Longman asked that Councillors consider this for inclusion in the February newletter. H. Longman will prepare a first draft and would welcome any comments, additions etc.


Further to discussions at the last meeting regarding tree warden Amanda communicated that Jeff has obtained and delivered shrubs/trees for the wildlife area. Following a letter I sent regarding his tree warden activities he rang and said that he is still active but because of his personal situation he is unable to attend PC meetings. I suggested that he communicate by e-mail periodically which he agreed. Situation to be considered at AGM in May when voluntary posts are agreed.

Proposed dates for 2015 meetings were agreed.

Letter received from community payback group regarding possible projects. Clerk to forwad information for Councillors consideration.



Nothing raised.

  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 12th JANUARY 2015          

NOB meeting closed at 8.45pm



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