14th April 2014 minutes

MINUTES of MEETING held on 14th April 2014


PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk), H. Longman,  S. Hannant ,  M. Ball, J. O’Leary  L. Chenery, P. Jackson   and W. Kemp (District Councillor)

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from J. Berry and M. Somerville (CountyCouncillor)


 Chairperson asked for any declarations of interest. L. Chenery declared an interest in the Local Plan

  1. MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 10th March 2014 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by S. Hannant seconded by M. Ball


Police will not be attending on a regular basis in the future but will send their monthly crime reports and attend if the PC has a specific problem they would like to discuss.

W. Kemp (District Councillor)  reported the Loddon Community Gym opened last week.

Village Hall Chairmans report to  AGM to be included in newsletter.


Still a few items to be resolved resulting from playing field annual inspection. Drilling of holes, on ball court, to resolve drainage problems to be progressed.  Mill Lane surfacing to be reviewed in the future.


Dog litter is still a problem specifically on Church Road, across the allotments and on Beccles Road. Two of litter pick volunteers have offered to do a dog litter clear up. This litter pick is  arranged for 16th April meeting at 10 am at the Village Hall. We have around 18 volunteers so far.  Spray paint for new deposits of dog mess after clean up to be arranged.


Development on the land at rear of the Queens Head awaits proposed legal agreements.

Necessary legal agreements are close to being finalised. Planning determination will be delegated.

The situation regarding the site specifics on the latest Local Plan consultation was discussed at the previous meeting. SNC have not taken consideration of Parish Council’s preferences for smaller sites and  promote the 20 house option adjacent to College Rd. Response regarding the Parish Council smaller sites option of 17 properties was previously agreed and sent together with numerous letters of support from residents.

Further discussions have suggested that we need to speak to the Inspector directly at the appropriate stage.

Land next to Blaen Waun, Low Road;  most recent application was refused.

A previous refused application is up for appeal in May. A Parish Council response to the appeal has been circulated and was agreed by Councillors subject to minor modifications outlined by H. Longman   Clerk to send response to the Planning Inspectorate and H. Longman will attend appeal.



BT                               Phone and Broadband                                      £131.63

SNC                            Dog bin emptying charge                                   £220.68

C. Cook                       Clerks wages etc                                              £555.93

Wybone                       3 benches                                                         £798.18

NALC                         Subscription                                                     £153.45

NTTVH                       Hire of Hall                                                       £9.50

HMRS                         Clerks tax                                                         £100.75

Cash                            Petty Cash                                                        £30

K. Cox                         Wardens Wages                                               £31.55

Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by S. Hannant that cheque payments be authorised.

The 2013/2014 accounts as circulated with the agenda were approved as a true representation of the years accounts. Proposed by H. Longman seconded by L. Chenery. All agreed

The use of funds from village of year competition and community composting receipts etc. has been discussed previously.

Agreed at a previous meeting that we purchase bicycle racks (delivered) and seats for playing field. Cheque for purchase of benches on today’s cheque list. The Playing field assn have offered £350 towards the benches. When this donation is received we have now spent more than the funds received if you include the promise of £500 to the defibrillator fund.

2013 community composting credits have been received (£608). Community composting group asked for input as to where these credits are spent. At present some money has been spent to provide new materials to expand site capacity and to provide refreshments at AGM. (£150) They also suggest that some of the credit funds should be saved for replacement/repair of capital equipment in the future (suggested figure £200 per annum) . They would also like some of money to go towards planting of planters opposite shop. Their suggestions were agreed  

We asked for donations to finance a Defibrillator in an article in recent  newsletters and in letters to local organisations. To date we have promises of £1685 and a painting from Sharon Platford which is being raffled. Jem & Kathy has also offered to donate the Pumpkin charity competition entry fees (could be up to £150) to the appeal. As part of the process I have  communicated with Ian (works for ambulance service) for information in this respect and a possible referee to support our application.  Ian put me in touch with Andrew Barber who is Community Partnership Manager Norfolk for the East of England ambulance trust and he has suggested that we use an approved supplier for equipment and cabinet being the Community Heartbeat trust charity. He also suggested that when we have, or are getting close to having the equipment in place he would come to a meeting to provide awareness training of the facility and it’s potential. The ambulance service would have the access codes on file and direct 999 callers to the facility. The use of the equipment is then based on simple directions included with the equipment.

Ian has suggested that as the defibrillator will be  to cover both Norton and Thurlton villages a more central location would be on the wall of the pub if the landlord were willing.



NRCC have invited H. Longman  to become a ‘Peer Supporter’, there are about 10 of us and the idea is that we support groups and organisations to help them develop community projects. As volunteers we are eligible to participate in a ‘Village Visions’ workshop in Sneek next year, (application to the EU for funding is underway!)

H. Longman suggested that we need to revise our Parish Plan, perhaps with a short questionnaire in the newsletter and follow up with an open day event. It was agreed that we include a questionnaire and advertise an open day event in the May newsletter with an open day event on a Saturday in early June


Articles for May Newsletter to include Defibrillator appeal,  revised mobile library visiting times, Bowls Club open day in June, South Norfolk affordable housing eligibility information, Selecta DNA system, Parish Meeting, Chairmans report to VH AGM, litter pick  and community composting start etc



Nothing raised

     12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 12th MAY 2014 (AGM & Parish Meeting)

NOB meeting closed at 8.35pm


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