11th July Minutes

        MINUTES of MEETING held on 11th July 2011

 PRESENT  C.Cook(Clerk), J. O’Leary, S. Hannant ,  J. Berry,  P. Jackson, M. Ball,  L. Chenery  &  W. Kemp (District Councillor

  1. 1.      APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE received from H. Longman and A. Tomkinson (County Councillor)

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Chairperson asked for any declarations of interest. None declared

  1. 3.    MINUTES  OF  THE PREVIOUS  MEETING held on 13th June 2011 were  agreed as a true representation of meetings

Proposed by J. O’Leary seconded by M. Ball


W. Kemp (District Councillor) reported on the LDF consultation and passed round a document which included new sites which have been put forward. The full consultation document should be made available to Parish Councils mid July for consideration at September meeting. The Parish Council can comment on the service village category as well as sites.

E-mails received from Police.   No recorded crimes in June

  Free cycle marking at Church Plain Loddon on 16th and 17th July 2pm to 5pm

  Next neighbourhood meeting 19th July 7pm in Brooke Village Hall

Nothing to report on Church Room.

Nothing to report on Community Shop.

J. O’Leary reported that Village Hall Committee is in consultation with respect of sewerage connections to Beech Tree cottages. VH committee members are in process of being trained so that they can present Village Screening of films commencing in October

M. Ball reported that K. Kingston has volunteered to be included on the SAM training programme.

NCC good neighbour scheme was discussed. Suggested that we ask the organisers to give a presentation at the September meeting.

Clerk has been informed that the Doctors Surgery in Norton Chapel is likely to close in September.


There was a Working party on the 9th July.

Position of gate/fencing at top of Mill Lane was considered at working party.   Two posts and gate at top of Mill Lane, which allows pedestrian access to the side, proposed. It was suggested that we should review emergency access and get prices for this work. P. Arnold has commented that he may have a gate available

 Items from ROSPA inspection which needed attention were self close gates on toddler area, Mole Hills and on some pathways the level needed raising to avoid trip hazards. These items were sorted by the working party although the toddler area gate posts still require some attention.  Wet pour at edges need weeds removed and infill in the Toddler area. We inspected this and it was suggested that we use weed killer to clear weeds and then infill with gravel.

A vote of thanks was recorded to all who turned up to help.

Fete on 16th July. 5-a-side commences at 1pm. Official opening of fete and the play area renovation by Lord Michael Fitzroy at 2pm.

Grant for £3400 has been awarded for Community composting.

1st Steering committee meeting occurred and a report was included in July Newsletter. No response to the newsletter article.

There are concerns regarding siting and that sufficient volunteers will come forward to operate scheme. It was suggested that the steering group have a stall at the fete to promote the scheme if there is enough time to organise.    

Proposals for suggested site(s) waited.

Grant for £10000 awarded for environmental improvements. Meeting on Thursday at H. Longman’s.  


Complaints on state of footpaths (low road to church rd – church rd to beccles rd ) resolved. There is funding for one cut only this year and they are not sure whether any funding will be available next year. Clerk to communicate with footpaths officer regarding ownership of paths and future responsibilities and funding.

Clerk suggested that we still need to do a pot hole survey because it would appear that unless we report a problem nothing happens. Residents of Tithe Barn Lane were the only people to report a pot hole and signage problem when we asked residents to forward information to Clerk in a recent newsletter. Clerk forwarded their complaints to Highways and both problems have since been resolved. M. Ball offered to do a survey on his next litter pick. Clerk will cover areas not included in litter pick.


       To include standard clause on light pollution on all applications.

Planning application for Land South of Holly Cottage, Beccles Rd for a proposed residential development comprising 5 dwellings and garages and access road was considered. This is an application which is a modified version of an application made in 2007. Proposed by L. Chenery seconded by S. Hannant that we approve application subject to clarification of HOU7 policy regarding 5 properties on an infill plot.  

Planning application  from Priory Farm House, Low Rd for retention of adjusted position of fenestration from approved drawing 103-02A on planning permission 2010/0332/LB was considered. Proposed by L. Chenery seconded by S. Hannant that this application be approved.

A question was asked regarding need for planning permission to remove/demolish a garage. Clerk to investigate.


BT                               Phone and Broadband                          £104.76

David Bracey               Play Area inspection                             £72.00

      NTTVH                       Hire of Hall                                           £8.50

C. Cook                       Clerks Wages etc                                 £368.07

A. O’Leary                  Refund travel monies                             £500.00

K. Cox                         Wardens wages                                    £30.64

HM Revenue & C        Clerks Tax                                           £92.60

Paravanis                      Ice Cream for fete                                £68.00

Proposed by P. Jackson  seconded by J. Berry that cheque payments be authorised.


Quality Parish Council status was discussed. Parish Council qualifies in all requirements other than having a qualified Clerk and a training assessment of requirements and programme (for Councillors). It was agreed that this be re-considered in the future taking in to account requirements relating to the Localism legislation.

H. Longman had e-mailed a report on the first Youth Exchange. She reported a very successful exchange, thanked A. O’Leary for being an excellent group leader and funding tickets (awaiting EU grant). She thanked J. O’Leary for ‘sourcing’ the participants. Group will have a stall at the fete to raise funds and give details of the exchange. Other partners needed to help with next year’s exchange which will be held here.

Art Exhibition was very successful. They hope to repeat in the future if a venue can be finalised.


      E-mail forwarded regarding NALC Communities in Action conferences. H.      Longman has asked if anyone interested in attending.  No one volunteered so Clerk will book H. Longman on the conference.

Clerk still requires help in loading pictures/ articles to scrap book on the new website.

No newsletter in August


        Application being prepared for Pride in Norfolk awards.

       Clerk to contact BA with regard to status of stop notices in lower Thurlton

     12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 8th August 2011

            P. Jackson & J. O’Leary gave apologies for this meeting

      NOB meeting closed at 8.55pm




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